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Nicolas Feuillatte

Nicolas Feuillatte, a visionary and gifted entrepreneur, presented his Champagne for the first time in 1976. It quickly became the trendy brand in jet-setter circles in the USA, Australia and England, circles which Nicolas Feuillatte regularly frequented. In just 30 years, Nicolas Feuillatte rose to become the No. 1 Champagne brand in France. 

Behind the brand lie numerous wine growers and their families, lovingly tending their vineyards with the experience of generations to obtain the best quality grapes for the harvest. They are organised within the Centre Vinicole de la Champagne, the most important wine growers’ association in Champagne. The vineyards include 13 invaluable Grand Cru and 33 1er Cru areas, the basis for exclusive and prestigious top cuvées such as Palmes d'Or Brut and Palmes d'Or Rosé. In order to ensure flawless quality, the grapes – regardless of origin – are pressed immediately after harvesting in on-site presses in the vineyards themselves.

Sparkling wines from Nicolas Feuillatte

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Wine Spectator 91 Points
Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Rosé de Printemps
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Parker 90 Points
Nicolas Feuillatte Rosé Réserve Exclusive

from Nicolas Feuillatte

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In Stock
Parker 90 Points
Nicolas Feuillatte Rosé Réserve Exclusive
In Stock
Parker 88 Points
Nicolas Feuillatte Brut Réserve Exclusive
Only 2 Bottles

The merger of the Centre vinicole - Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte (CV-CNF) with the Coopérative régional des vins de Champagne (CRVC), ratified at the end of 2021, has created the Groupe Terroirs & Vignerons de Champagne – the second largest Champagne company in Champagne and thus a new "giant" ahead of LVMH (Moët & Chandon, Ruinart, Veuve Clicquot, Krug).

The Centre Vinicole boasts state-of-the-art technology and professionalism, absolute cleanliness and control. The ISO 22002 certificate guarantees top production quality while using sustainable, environmentally-friendly methods. This includes a separate sewage and water treatment plant and the use of renewable energy.

The personality of Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte is elegant, urban, modern and glamourous. It is unique yet universal, which is reflected in the variety of the cuvées. There is nothing more beautiful than celebrating life’s big and small moments with a glass of Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte!


Bodegas Amézola de la Mora

Bodegas Amézola de la Mora

The Amézola de la Mora family vineyard originated in the 19th century. Already then it enjoyed a good reputation in large parts of the country. With the appearance of the dreaded phylloxera plague, however, production unfortunately came to an end. In 1986, Iñigo Amézola de la Mora brought the family estate back to life.

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Gut Oggau

Gut Oggau

What’s the secret of the wines of Austria's Gut Oggau?


Gut Oggau wines are among the best organic wines in Austria, and are produced by Eduard Tscheppe and his wife Stephanie Tscheppe Eselböck on the shores of Lake Neusiedl in Burgenland.

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Cantina Colterenzio

Cantina Colterenzio

The vineyards of the village of Schreckbichl, or Colterenzio in Italian, near Girlan are among the oldest vineyards in Europe. The origin lies in the Roman estate Cornelianum of a Roman named Cornelius. From this, almost 1000 years later, the present name Girlan or Coriano developed.

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