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Spirits & Delicacies

Our range of fine spirits is rather small, but all the more exclusive and carefully selected for you, the same goes for our selection of fine delicacies, perfect for gift arrangements.

Current recommendations

In Stock

Grappa di Barolo 2014

Giuseppe Castelli, 700 ml
In Stock

Grappa di Moscato

Forteto della Luja, 500 ml
In Stock

Mr. Gaston Gin Organic

Distillerie Tessendier & Fils, 700 ml
In Stock
In Stock
Schnapz Pear Vodka
Only 23 Bottles

Schnapz Pear Vodka

Destillerie The Wild Alps, Schweiz, 500 ml
In Stock

Mister M's London Dry Gin

by Markus del Monego, 500 ml
In Stock
In Stock

Pesto Ligure

Frantoio di Sant'Agata, 180 Gramm
In Stock
In Stock

Crema di Olive verdi agli agrumi

De Carlo, 130 Gramm
In Stock


trafilata al Bronzo, 500 Gramm