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Humagne blanc

The maternity wine

Every Valaisan midwife knows this grape. Humagne blanc reportedly has a high iron content; for this reason, their wines have long been known as “Wöchnerinnenweine” (maternity wine). By now we know that it was more likely the medicinal herbs, blended into the hot grape juice, which helped young mothers back on their feet. In any case: the white Humagne grape – unrelated to Humagne rouge – has been rooted in Valais for centuries. It was first mentioned in 1313. It is suspected to have immigrated from the south of France, but today it practically only grows in Switzerland. Its hallmark is a delicate scent of lime blossom and vineyard peach, a tightly-woven structure and the typical mineral impression that the wines leave on the tongue. Store these wines for a few years and they become the ideal companions for mature, strong cheeses.

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