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G. & J. Guillerault / Sebastian Fargette

Gilles Guillerault and Sébastien Fargette are based in Crézancy-en-Sancerre, a few kilometres west of Sancerre, in the Centre-Loire region. A lovely hilly landscape where vineyards alternate with charming villages. With around 2400 hectares of vineyards, Sancerre is a rather small wine-growing region. Only two grape varieties are cultivated, Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir.

The well-drained soils are very calcareous with a variable proportion of clay. The flint, mainly found around Sancerre, provides the typical "flinty" aroma to the wines. 1000 kilometres from the Loire estuary, we are in the heart of France. The climate is distinctly continental, with cold winters and hot summers, and hail or frost can cause great damage to the vines. However, the wines are excellent. Sancerre is known all over the world as one of the great French classics.

White wines from G. & J. Guillerault / Sebastian Fargette

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from G. & J. Guillerault / Sebastian Fargette

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