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Grenache Blanc

Strength for the white Châteauneuf

Grenache blanc is the white variant of the popular Mediterranean Grenache grape. It is grown primarily in the south of France. But it rarely appears by itself on the label. Its wines charm with their creamy texture, rich fruit and fine floral aromas, along with a distinctive anise note. But they develop quite a lot of alcohol. For this reason, it is often blended with more sparkling varieties. Vintners appreciate the Grenache blanc as an ingredient in the white Châteauneuf-du-Pape. It also flows into the light versions of Banyuls and Maury. Similar to port wines, these are dessert wines from French Catalonia, which are traditionally produced in carboys.

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Santa Cruz de Artazu blanco 2021

DO Navarra, Artazu, 750 ml
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