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Tinta Amarel

Difficult to grow, easy to drink

The mature Tinta Amarela (its Douro designation), or Trincadeira (as it is called in the Alentejo region) produces intensely colored wines with high acidity and balanced alcohol content.

This vine is singly difficult to cultivate, and laborious to maintain. In particular, its rapidly growing foliage must constantly be pruned. The yield is always uncertain, and this variety is very susceptible to rot and disease. But it is very comfortable in hot, dry tracts of land, and is thus cultivated particularly successfully in Alentejo and Tejo. Yet it can also be found in all other regions of Portugal, as well as in small stocks in South Africa.

Grape variety

Chenin Blanc

Chenin Blanc

Small area, great variety

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Confusion from Italy to Argentina

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Mysterious origin, today widespread

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