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11 results for “eleonora”

Eleonora 2012

IGT Lazio rosso, Villa Caviciana, 12000 ml
In stock
Article nr. 35257412
Exclusivity Baur au Lac Vins
CHF 349.– CHF 590.–
Exclusivity Baur au Lac Vins
CHF 349.–   CHF 590.–

Eleonora 2013

IGT Lazio rosso, Villa Caviciana, 3000 ml
Online out of stock
Article nr. 35257913
Exclusivity Baur au Lac Vins
CHF 91.– CHF 107.–
Exclusivity Baur au Lac Vins
CHF 91.–   CHF 107.–

Epicurean profile

A wine profile cannot replace a wine description; it can, however, present the main characteristics of a wine so that its fundamental sensory traits are discernible. The illustrated nose profile rests on two pillars: intensity and…

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Villa Caviciana

When, in the early morning, the sun slowly rises over the glittering mirror-smooth water of the Bolsena Lake, and the first blaring of the sheep, the quiet meowing of the domestic cat and the cheerful chirping of birds break the peaceful silence, then one understands that some people have found here their paradise on earth. Away from the big mass tourism of the coast, only an hour's drive away, in still largely intact nature, the lake spreads out in the charming hilly landscape, sometimes calm, sometimes foaming up, wild like the sea.

Before the Romans, Lazio was the land of the Etruscans. Time and again one comes across contemporary witnesses of that culture. The name Caviciana is derived from the ancient Etruscan name of the area where the vines grow today. The sphinx …

Baur au Lac Vins

Our hints and recommendations are by no means the last word of wisdom. Make combinations pleasurably and intuitively, thereby collecting your own personal experiences. Have fun! Wines and spirits of the most careful and highest production…


Lalande-de-Pomerol: stronghold of the Merlot

Just 50 years ago, the Lalande-de-Pomerol wine growing region was scarcely known. Only a few wine travellers found their way to this quiet, distinctly rural view of Bordeaux. That changed with the fabulous rise of the neighbouring Pomerol a…


Pessac-Léognan: top crus from the suburbs

Pessac-Léognan is a communal appellation (following the example of the village appellations in the Médoc) located in the northernmost part of the Graves region. Its immediate proximity to the city of Bordeaux has drastically a…


Bordeaux: high prestige, high quality

With a total area of around 115,000 hectares, Bordeaux may not be France’s largest wine-growing region, but it is certainly its most prestigious. The range of wines produced here today is enormous: ranging from red everyday wines with…